Constructed Data Documentation
MHAS Cognitive Function Measures Scoring and Classification
Since the beginning of the study, the MHAS includes a section to assess cognitive function in
direct and proxy interview. The constructed data files include all constructed scores for the
different cognitive function tasks included in the study across the four waves
(2001, 2002, 2012 and 2015). It also provides the normative standards and z-scores for each
task as well as the composite score. For more detailed information, please refer to the
respective descriptive document.
SimpleMHAS (ENASEMsimple)
The SimpleMHAS (ENASEMsimple) is a longitudinal dataset that includes every person interviewed atleast
once for MHAS and a reduced selection of variables (81 excluding identifiers, information about the interview, and sampling weights)
versus the full MHAS database. it includes a smaller selection of variables for ease of use by two groups in particular: students and researchers
new to MHAS. For more detailed information, please refer to the descriptive document.
MHAS Created Variables
The MHAS created variables is a set of data files for each wave of the study. Each of these data files has a
wide format, with the unit of observation the individual subject. The naming of the variables is consistent across waves to facilitate
the comparison. In addition, each data set includes the necessary identifiers to be able to complete a merge with all the other created
data files as well as with the raw data across and within waves. For more detailed information, please refer to
descriptive document.